Community Capacity/Project Mini Grants Opportunity
What is this grant opportunity?
We are excited to release a grant opportunity in partnership with the City of Detroit to support the upcoming Detroit Climate Strategy (DCS). The strategy charts a pathway for Detroit to reduce greenhouse emissions, protect residents against climate hazards (like flooding and extreme heat), and improve career opportunities for residents in the expanding green economy.
As part of the DCS, $35,000 in funding is available for community mini grants to support community projects, add capacity to neighborhood organizations, and generate increased awareness for climate action across the city. These projects hope to equip Detroiters with the resources to be resilient, reduce greenhouse emissions and thrive in their local communities while doing so.
What does it take to apply?
Who can apply: Organizations/groups supporting sustainability, resilience, and/or public health and wellness. Representatives of nonprofits, block clubs, and other small community groups are encouraged to apply. Non-profit designation is not required to be eligible.
What this funding can be used for: Funding can support activities centered around the following two themes. You may only apply to one category. While the funds will be unrestricted once awarded, simple expense tracking and grant reporting will be required.
Capacity grant: Funds are intended to support staff working time at your organization related to climate change initiatives. Examples of some activities this capacity funding could support include: community organizing/mobilization around climate change, grant writing in support of bigger projects, educational opportunities, and engaging city officials and decision makers to advocate for the projects/investments your community needs.
Project grant: Funds are intended to support small physical in-place projects that improve resilience to climate change of a particular street, block, neighborhood, or community that Your organization serves. Examples of some projects this funding could support include: building a rain garden, planting trees, and updating/improving a public use space for emergencies. Note - grantees must ensure and prove a space is zoned for a particular project use. Proper permits must be approved and secured. Grant funds can be utilized to pay for permits.
Funding amount: Applicants can request between $500 and $5000 in funding.
Application deadline: Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on June 2nd, 2023.
Office hours: We will host two virtual drop-in sessions to offer application guidance and support. To attend, please fill out this short sign-up form to receive a meeting link to your email address.
Session 1: Thursday, April 27th (04/27/2023) from 5-6 pm
Session 2: Wednesday, May 5th (05/03/23) from 12-1 pm
Key Application documents and links: